OK, I picked up a nice 6 x 12 surface grinder two years ago. it have been a good grinder and I got a great deal on it, but I have wanted to convert it from the stone wheels to 2 x 72 belts for a while.
I know its controversial and some say you loose all accuracy buy I figured I'd gain more than I would loose. as it turns out I lost nothing in accuracy and gain the ability to rough surface with a 50 grit belt or do a fine finish with a higher grit 220 belt. I have found it is cutting quicker and cooler too. I am running the speed much slower also to get the same work done. I can now also surface other things like wood or micarta that I could never have done with the stone wheel.
with three folders and a few sample pieces ground I am getting between a .0005 and 0 for a taper over 5 inch's. that is totally fine for the work most of us do.
I started out with a stock manual 2 x 12 machine. I ordered a drive wheel from SunRay. they are great to deal with, you just have to make sure you know what you want and tell them. I actually sent a cad drawing with notes on it so there was no confusion.
I was worried when I first started thinking about changing over that I didn't want to alter my grinder in a way that I couldn't go back to its original configuration if it didn't work out. I happened across a picture where someone used muffler clamps to secure the upright bar to the spindle housing. when I saw it, it seamed like an easy way to go that didn't require me to do a lot of machining. the bar seams nice and stout and doesn't vibrate at all.
I found a tracking wheel on Ebay for 25 bucks.
with a little welding I had it all together in a short time.
and the finished set up... and yes I know there isn't a guard.
if your on the fence about maybe converting over, my recommendation is do it!, do it now!