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Old 12-30-2022, 07:51 PM
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Thankful for these forums

Hello everyone..whoever is looking at this site these days. I have to admit that I resemble that remark!
I've been spending more time in the Facebook Randall groups these days, but with the announcement on the other forum that they were going to cease to exist after New Years, I have been pouring thru the archives and saving what I can..While doing so I have been going thru our archives and saving a lot as well.
Bless my wife Susies heart, she knows how much these groups have meant to me over the years and she has "left me to it" to spend enormous amounts of time saving the threads to my computer.
It has been a lot of work, but I have realized how much you guys have contributed to these archives over the years.
At the top of my list in no particular order are Jack Williams, Joe Dorsky, and Ron Mathews. These 3 have contributed so much time and effort into the history of these great knives. And they follow on the heels of Bob Hunt, Bob Gaddis, Tom Clinton, Rhett St##ham, and Perry Miller who I met at Blade, but wished that I had picked his brain about the Astros...
I'm just thankful for all of these amazing Randall experts, and also the guys who make these forums possible, Dav## (Moose) and whoever all the moderators are that I missed, and owners of the forum. All you guys are awesome.
I hope KTF survives, and if the do pay membership, hopefully they would recons##er letting banned members come back. I would do that, and hopefully the interest in the history of this Knife would be rekindled...
Well, I've rambled on long enough and just wanted to express my appreciation for all of you. TAH, Ronnie and your love for the Astro as I do, Sligo and your contributions, Mitchell Harrison and your incredible website and knife collection, Gary Clinton and his incredible Astros...and everyone else. I could go on and on..Scott Maynard and his is to him and his incredible battle with cov## , which he won with God's help..
That's enough.
Thanks everyone. I've missed the interaction. Here and at KTF..
Happy New Years everyone!

Sam Granade
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Old 12-30-2022, 09:38 PM
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Agree, nice to have the forums active to share the knowledge and keep members connected. Always welcome here and the traffic would be nice. Alex is doing his best to keep this community alive for makers and collectors to keep in touch.

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Old 12-31-2022, 07:53 AM
BoBlade BoBlade is offline
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Thanks for the kind mention, Sam. The forums need more aficionados like you. hope you have a great year. Warm regards, Ron
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Old 12-31-2022, 09:59 AM
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Thanks Mike. I am one who enjoys the history of Randall Made knives, and the stories of the development of the various models, and always enjoy seeing the old ones pop up from time to time.
The stories behind them are amazing too.
A Randall Sportsman 12-9 from the 1955-57 era came up for auction a couple months ago and I was lucky enough to win it.
The seller had covered up the etched name on the blade, so when it arrived I looked him up. Turns out that he headed up a crew of 4 canoers who paddled from Denver Co to Old Town Maine in the summer of 1957. A 5000 mile trip. It was covered by newspapers around the country, and Life Magazine d## a 10 page feature of if in June of 1958. I d## some digging in newspaper archives and found a couple of pictures of the knife on his s##e! Great stuff..I'm a big fan of the Astro and its back story too. The Military models too models 1 and 2, 14 and 15, also the 12 bowies. The list goes on and on.
At any rate, I'm very appreciative to everyone I mentioned above and I'm sure I missed some, like Tattoo Bill, he has contributed some very interesting Randall's too!
But not only do I plan to save all of the threads that are of interest to me, but I will also print them out and put them in my collection. I have the the entire RKS archive in print.
Hope everyone is having a great New Years Eve
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Old 12-31-2022, 10:00 AM
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Thanks Ron, best wishes to you too!
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Old 01-01-2023, 02:56 PM
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Excellent Sam! Nice to have these Randall historical references saved for others to gain access. It's hard when a forum closes as the many helpful discussions and the pictures go away as well.

I'd certainly encourage the activity here if that is possible.

Happy New Year!

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Old 01-01-2023, 11:12 PM
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Hey Mike
I think part of the disconnect is that the majority of us are lay people and don't understand what goes into building/maintaining these websites. All we know is they are here and we can interact.
It has been intimated a number of times that this is a good pace to come for information about knives. A library of sorts, a database that can be preserved and accessed in the future. So again, I don't think your average member, like me, understand the nuts and bolts of the day to day management of these websites.
So it looks like the time has come over at KTF to move into the future or fold, so they are scrambling, trying to salvage a antiquated website. It will be interesting to see where it goes. It would be a shame to loose all of the research and photos and information over there, and here as well.
I spent much time over the years starting new threads as I was/am passionate about Randall's, and there are a handful of others here that were/are as well. We will have to see how it goes. I Generated this thread 2 days ago, and it has been viewed 60+ times...definately needs work. We will see.
Thanks again Mike for your input!
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Old 01-02-2023, 01:02 AM
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I would suggest discussing this with Alex directly. I feel it is a good move that will drive more forum participants here. That benefits the site multiple levels. We've seen a drop in activity yet by engaging more collectors and makers to participate we'll get more activity.

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Old 01-04-2023, 11:35 AM
505Gibbs 505Gibbs is offline
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A lot of scrambling on the other site & it appears it will survive with new software etc. Hate to see all that knowledge disappear along with the pictures thru the years.

"He who seeks refuge in price often takes the worst soaking"
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Old 01-04-2023, 02:20 PM
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I've been on other forums that have had software platform changes. One lost 10 years of discussions with the change over other forums shared similar fates. One of the administrators was able to archive the discussions but the pics were lost. For DIY tutorials that is a critical part to see the pics.

Hope KTF pulls through, get as much saved as possible.

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Old 03-03-2023, 08:55 PM
jeepster jeepster is offline
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Thanks Sam.
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1958, a, awesome, back, bee, blade, building, ca, database, diy, etched, help., interesting, knife, knives, made, make, makers, military, needs work, randall, software

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