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Old 05-13-2006, 09:55 PM
sdb777 sdb777 is offline
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Location: Cabot, Arkansas
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All right, go easy on me!

I'm posting my introduction.......My name is Scott Butler and I live in Cabot, Arkansas! I like the shooting sports of all types, fishing, and hunting.

I currently own three Cold Steel knives and have been extremely satisfied with their quality. Two plain blade and one tanto blade. The third is a 6.5" Recon with tanto blade. As you can see, I'm kind of partial to the "tanto" style blades....

My question to everyone(or anyone that feels like jumping in)....
What should my next purchase be in the Cold Steel arena? I was thinking maybe a "Voyager" model? Does anyone have any comments? Good or bad????

Scott B
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Old 07-26-2006, 04:32 AM
ColdSteelAdict ColdSteelAdict is offline
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the voyager is meant to be a really strong knife, with a long lifespan, and great edge retention. as far as i have heard the only complaint about it is that the serrated models are that they are hard to re-sharpen, and require a special made tool (and of coarse cs are the only ones who sell it..). but it really depends on what you are looking to use the knife for, like utility work, edc, sd(self defense), hunting purposes (skinning cleaning ex.)
my recommendations:

edc: the AK-47, even though it has a 3.5 inch blade its still a big knife (the widest hand held i own, blade wise), really fills the hand and comes sharp as hell right out of the box, its all metal construction (handles, liners, clip and the locking mechanism) the pommel on the end has two lanyard holes which come in handy. the blade is beefy as hell and made the knife great for chopping,it also has a nice "catch" on the backside so the knife opens as you pull it from your pocket. the pommel (the end part of the handle)isn’t the most attractive thing in the world but its easily cut and sanded off. unlike allot of the cold steel knives it sticks out of the pocket allot, but for 50$ its a great knife

if you like tanto blades check out the recon tanto, its a bit more expensive than the ak but shares its size and has the same locking mechanism. im not a fan of the zytel scales, fortunately it has steel liners that make up for it. the blade is a long modified tanto point with a semi glossy black coat. cuts very nicely and holds an edge well. the knife however is pretty big, and heavy for a folding knife. It fits well in your hand and opens very nicely probably one of the best folding knives made by Cold Steel.
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Old 09-05-2006, 04:03 PM
suthincomfort suthincomfort is offline
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bobs pawn shop in north little rock has a cold steel srk (used) just a thought later tom
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Old 09-16-2006, 12:46 PM
Paul H. Alburl's Avatar
Paul H. Alburl Paul H. Alburl is offline
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You can't go wrong with a Voyager, and they are made in any size you need. I carry one every day all day. The 3"-bladed one is perfect for everyday carry, even in dress pants. With the zytel handles it is even light enough to clip on your underwear, if you've got to get up quickly in the middle of the night (... don't ask ...).
The 4" Voyager looks alot bigger than the 3" but is still light enough to carry as above but looks huge when opened in polite unsuspecting company. I have no idea about the 6" but it should make a good belt folder: the front pocket isn't the only place clip it, though (rear pocket, waistband, harness strap, boot top,
The Recon 1 is tank-tough, and I really like mine, but I usually will grab one of the Voyagers before it. They are lighter, just as sharp and seem to be just as tough. I lost one a few years ago while working around a 727-200 cargo aircraft I was loading (in 2001,just before 9-11 happened). It laid on the ramp in 2 days of straight Gulf Coast thunderstorms before being found by a guy working the other shift, who returned it to me. There were a couple of flakes of rust on the blade which I scratched off with a fingernail. The plastic clip was broken off and the scales squashed together so hard that I could hardly get the blade to open. Apparently, it had fallen off of my pocket at the aft belly compartment and we had pushed the loaded aircraft back over it when we backed it onto the taxiway. After a few dozen opening cycles it began to open fine, with no problem.
I sent the knife back to Cold Steel asking them to send it back if they could not fix the clip. They sent me an entirely new knife after hearing the explanation. Completely free of charge.
Should you buy a Voyager? ABSOLUTELY.

I can't remember when I've had so much fun with my clothes on and was still concious.
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