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Old 06-23-2021, 07:20 PM
chrisstaniar chrisstaniar is offline
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 1
I'm at the hobbyist level and slowly approaching the next level of nuttiness in this hobby. I built my own grinder but I'm fairly handy and went with a good, thorough set of plans. I wasn't sure if this was gonna be a long term hobby so I opted not to fork out the $$. I use the crap out of my grinder and it just keeps on chugging. I also built 4 different tooling arms for it and a specialty jig attachment.

If you are going to build, you'd better have a solidly tested set of plans and then follow those plans to the letter. Otherwise you will be chasing vibration, belt alignment, etc.

Get a KBAC VFD. You can have slight speed changes by moving belts to different pulley's but it's a pain the butt to do. Just get a vfd.
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