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Old 06-29-2003, 12:02 PM
etp777 etp777 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3
Know that can be a problem, but that's part of the fun of experiemntation.

;Also, I cheated a bit, usedd to try to clean out the paint brushes that had resin soaked into them with acetone. About gave up on that, but what I noticed is that can I was trying to do it in, was probably 50/50 resin/acetone by time I was done, and as acetone evaporated off, I ended up with a big chunk of solidified resin(polymer) in the bottom of the can. SO i already had a pretty good idea that it would work, just take longer to cure/harden.

These two pieces I tried out yesterday seem to support that idea, though I have yet to cut and grind them.
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