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Old 08-09-2006, 01:12 PM
Clyde Ulmer Clyde Ulmer is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1
Thought I'd toss out a couple more ergonomic tidbits... A lot of chefs will use a "pinch" grip, where the back of the hand is parallel to the cutting surface, the blade is pinched between thumb and forefinger, and the middle joint of the second finger is against the bolster/back edge. Round over the spine (at least close to the handle), and the back edge if you're not doing a bolster. The cook will thank you!

FWIW, the most comfortable kitchen knife handle I ever felt was on a god-knows-how-old knife of my grandmother's. It was a horn handle that curved down and to the right (seen from the back of the handle). Only good for right-handers, of course.

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