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Old 10-08-2018, 06:58 PM
Wayne Coe Wayne Coe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Sunbright, Tennessee 706-273-8017
Posts: 9
They still put the arrows on the belts, even though it makes no difference now. The direction of travel of the belt was important back when belts were joined with lap joints. Now days belts are joined with butt joints and thin tape.
I have heard comments that the reason that they still put the arrows on the belts is that when anyone complains that their belts are breaking the company will ask which direction were the arrows pointing? When the customer says "I don't know." the company has an excuse to deny any responsibility. This may not be a big deal for the cost of the belt but if the customer was somehow injured it is a convenient way to deny liability.

Let me know if I can help you.


Wayne Coe

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