Thread: "Hattie" #3
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Old 03-08-2019, 04:02 PM
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T.WOLFE T.WOLFE is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Morrison, Okla
Posts: 187
"Hattie" #3

I would go in the hangar and fill a small sack with candy bars and cookies, and when we got to
a distribution point I'd play with the kids while our Honduran helpers handed out food.....Those
little farts would follow me like a pied piper..I would always watch for those who were too shy or
too small to get in the crowd, and make sure they got something.Memories of my own childhood
were surfacing, I guess. To see the looks on their faces when they ate those sweets made the
whole effort twice as rewarding...They would look at my uniform and and say,"US Army ......"
I often wondered why our government, back during the Indian wars, didn't just load the soldiers up with food and give it to those starving villages in the dead of winter,,I guarantee there
would have been a lot less bloodshed......

I once complained about having no shoes,
until I met a man who had no...guitar

Last edited by T.WOLFE; 03-08-2019 at 04:07 PM.
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