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Old 02-26-2013, 10:58 AM
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ricky_arthur ricky_arthur is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Utah
Posts: 524
Yep, each project should be approached with it's intended and probable use as the primary design influence. Anything that would negatively affect the intended use should be left out of the design.

The other side of that however, is, how many knives are bought to be used? I don't know the answer to that, maybe it is "Most" of them and You may choose to cater only to that market, but my observation has been that there is a thriving market in knives that have no practical use other than looking good, feeling good in the hand and making you feel good because you have it. It's ok to throw a little embellishment into those ones, and if they get used from time to time? It won't really be in the way.

Bruce Bumps knives that get the most attention (and command the highest prices I suspect) are not likely to be found inside the body cavity of an elk, lol Just sayin.

Last edited by ricky_arthur; 02-26-2013 at 11:24 AM.
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