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Old 09-03-2003, 01:50 AM
Mut Mut is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 64
Leather Finishing & Other Basic Sheath Questions

I'm not sure about the terminology you are using, but will try to guess what you mean. It's amazing isn't it, how knives are the same all over the world, but the terms used for equipment are not!

Anyway. In Norway you can buy thread on a roll of about 100-200 metre that comes either white or black and is ready waxed and ready to use. It saves an awful lot of time.

In addition I always use 5 strand as I find it looks neater on the Scandinavian Style sheath that I make.

As for neatsfoot , I use normal saddle fat from a saddlery or something calld gold quality leather fat. This is great and is neutral in colour.

EDGE slicker...... Do you mean smoothing pin? something used to flatten and shape the leather. You can use hardwood, but I use a lamb rib that had been ground thin, and sanded to grade 2500. I then polish it and use that. It's really good. You can get then from J?rn jensen it is called "falsebein" in Norwegian and is relatively inexensive... you can getthe thread ( called tr?) there too.

Looking after the sheath is quite simple, if the knife is not going to be used for a while then do not store it in the sheath, after you are finished using the knife smear the blade with some olive oil to protect it, and after use let the sheath air out so that you do not trap moisture in it.

Make sure that the sheath is cured on the inside. You can use liquid shellack for this. Fat the sg\heath once a month if used a lot of after it has been exposed to water.

Does this help?


When the going gets tough, the tough throw it away and start again!

Last edited by Chuck Burrows; 11-05-2003 at 04:29 PM.
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