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Old 11-29-2014, 10:25 PM
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Jacknola Jacknola is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: New Orleans
Posts: 651
No that is not Delrin. Confusion among chat lines...

The date of the advent of the oval escutcheon plate was originally prompted by the existence of an oval plate on that 3-7 Delrin knife. Based on that knife and a couple of others, I had postulated that the change from oblong to oval had occurred in late 1960 ... But then this bowie knife showed up sporting an oblong plate with a hilt scratch-dated in 1961. Hence the discussion whether that Bowie hilt-date is germane to the timing of the switch in plate style. I further wondered if the date were accurate, how that would effect the dating of the 3-7 Delrin knife, possibly moving it from late 1960 into 1961.

This might seem a little silly, splitting hairs over a feature, wondering if it was 1960 or 1961. But the truth sheds light on some practices in the shop and also on the escutcheon plate, something that has not really been closely looked at before, so far as I know.

I would speculate that there was overlap in the use of the oval plate and oblong ... but with absolutely no science or facts to support that assumption.

Regards, Jack

Last edited by Jacknola; 11-30-2014 at 10:03 PM.
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