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Old 03-03-2012, 08:39 AM
Ed Tipton Ed Tipton is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 352
I feel so Privilaged as a member of this forum to be able to view and bear witness to the collaborative efforts of two craftsmen such as these two artists. Their work is in my opinion simply above reproach and if anything made by human hands could ever approach perfection...this work surely does.
To use a much over-used term...I am truely in awe of their work.
I can't imagine the confidence they must have to invest so much time, energy, and patience in working especially early in a piece....knowing in their mind what the final design is going to look like... and knowing how much work is yet to be done... and how many times that piece is going to be worked on again with a tool. One little mistake...could undo so much time and effort.
These two men are surely at the pinnacle of their craft....and their work has earned my respect.
It would be interesting to know the total time it took to create that knife from start to finish.
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