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Old 08-29-2017, 08:32 AM
epicfail48 epicfail48 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Springfield Mo
Posts: 95
Originally Posted by Rasmus Kristens View Post
i think i will try to redo it.
Just one question.

If you just "pop" the dried epoxy off, will it not leave a roughed epoxy edge at the bolster or will it give a nice clean joint?
Guessing that second question is referring to the wax trick. Assuming your scale/bolster to blade fit is nice and tight, popping the epoxy off leave a nice, clean joint. I've never once had an issue with it, and it saves all sorts of time on cleanup. Don't have to mess around with trying to wipe off any excess.

The same trick also works wonders if you ever pre-fit scales before coating the blade, I.e if you're going to cerakote them. Shape the scales on the blade with some temporary pins, coat the blade, dry fit and wax everything, then glue up. All the squeeze-out peels of with no trouble at all.

Oh, and I use wax because I already have it on hand for finishing wood scales. Pretty much anything that epoxy won't stick to works well. If I could justify the cost, I'd actually go with an aerosol release agent:

Cleanup might be a bit easier, though I haven't tried it. Not that the wax isn't easily removed with very light bit of buffing, but I'm lazy and this stuff looks easier to apply
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