Thread: First Sale!
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Old 09-19-2017, 06:42 AM
dtec1 dtec1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: ny
Posts: 1,438
Epicfail.....HAHA yeh one or the other. LOL Trust me its not easy. In my mind when I started I had the thought that the hard work was getting to the point where you could sell a knife.....NOPE the hard part comes after that. Yeh I have sold a bunch of knives but if I was living on my own I would probilly only be making half of what I need to live. Luckilly I am not living on my own and have some time to try to grow this into a I said the hard part comes after you sell that first knife and decide you want to make a decent profit at this....still a huge milestone selling that first knife!
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