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Old 05-01-2019, 10:11 AM
jimmontg jimmontg is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Now live in Las Cruces NM.
Posts: 1,345
Tandy Leather dropped their tiered pricing.

Just thought I'd let everyone know who lives near a Tandy leather store that they finally decided to dump their tiered pricing levels and be like everyone else. There will now be one price for an item instead of the old Elite and Gold levels. I know I did not buy a lot of stuff from them until I got my military discount. They often have very good leather for sale and indeed I bought an Oak Leaf 9-10 oz double shoulder for belts and sheaths on Xmas sale for $104 and it is an excellent piece of leather, but then I did pick it out by hand.

I have bought leather from online companies and the results have been, well mixed. I bought a Hermann Oak 8-9 oz double shoulder that looked like it must have been the worst one they had. So it's nice if you can hand pick your piece of leather. By the way it takes a certain amount of knowledge to even hand pick a piece of leather if you don't know what to look for.
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