Thread: "Week-ends"
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Old 02-28-2019, 10:49 AM
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T.WOLFE T.WOLFE is offline
Steel Addict
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Morrison, Okla
Posts: 187

The long winter prob had a lot to do with the amount of drinking that went on.Most wkends,
somebody's room would be the "Designated Target Area", and the party would be on...Two guys
from Missouri,Wallace and Green would provide the music until they became incapacitated, then
the old record player would be brought out...Remember, this was when"Vinyl"was king.
Everybody had their favorite 33rpm record, and those were great songs-back then they still
knew what good music was.I remember Leslie had a nice Gretsch electric,and he could play.Gary
played a flattop and sang,man those guys could sound good.I would sit in a corner out of the way
and watch what they did, and quietly strum along on my little Stella.I had a long way to go....

I once complained about having no shoes,
until I met a man who had no...guitar
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