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Old 03-06-2017, 06:57 PM
jimmontg jimmontg is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Now live in Las Cruces NM.
Posts: 1,345
Medical problems from breathing any type of fiber wool that can take high heat.

Or other types of dusts. This refractory stuff causes silicosis and will tear little rips in your lungs resulting in breathing problems caused by the scars, even when dry and mixing it. Has killed miners in a week or two. Use a small fan to pull dust away from you. Why jewelers make cabochons with a wet grinder( no dust borne particles). Asbestos is the finer fibers of asbestos at .3 to 5 microns causes lung cancer for some reason, also causes scarring of lungs and only known cause of mesothelioma, repeat, only known cause period. Mesothelioma is cancer of the lining of the lung, you're a dead man. Fiberglass (G10) also causes scarring and a decent dust mask is necessary.

The aluminum oxide etc. dusts from grinding belts will cause silicosis too and is probably partly the cause of my COPD. We didn't wear dust masks way back when unless you bought your own, some places didn't even have them. You need a fume mask for phenolics and other synthetics if they burn just a little bit. Many woods have silicate in them like Desert Ironwood and African Blackwood as well as the oily woods or any bone as bone just stinks puking bad if it burns or even when it doesn't sometimes too! Ivory gets in your lungs and may cause infections besides just clogging your lungs up.

At the very least invest in some good Tuberculosis medical masks for fine dusts. Make sure it fits tight and a good respirator that doesn't make you feel claustrophobic is an even better idea using a HEPA filter which block super fine particles like asbestos and bacteria, I tape paper towels over my filters to make them last longer from the bigger particles. Plus you can add fume filters too. Have a HEPA filter vacuum too. Oh, also a well ventilated area if indoors, that's a lot of CO2/3.

Have two kids in the Medical field, happy to help with any knife medical questions like; is it ok to cut towards yourself? NO! Never unless you're being squeezed by a python, then go ahead, couldn't hurt and might be helpful.

Last edited by jimmontg; 03-07-2017 at 12:40 AM.
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