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Old 02-28-2019, 10:31 AM
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T.WOLFE T.WOLFE is offline
Steel Addict
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Morrison, Okla
Posts: 187
"Playing in The Snow"

Nothing I had read about prepared me for what winter was like in northern Maine.We were
only a few miles from New Brunswick and would sometimes go across the border and drink that
Moosehead beer...Along about Feb, the roads around the base would be more like tunnels-from
the snowplows work, the snow would be up almost to the tops of the telephone poles.
Some weekends I would go spend a couple of days in the woods, practicing my survival skills.
I'd build a small lean-to,fix me a good campfire, and set snares around the place.Snowshoe
rabbits were every- where, and I had no trouble catching supper.It was a good time...of course
most of my friends thought I was nuts.....

I once complained about having no shoes,
until I met a man who had no...guitar

Last edited by T.WOLFE; 02-28-2019 at 07:02 PM.
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