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Old 01-31-2019, 08:22 AM
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T.WOLFE T.WOLFE is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Morrison, Okla
Posts: 187
Parrot Won't Sing Florida-Georgia Line

Fred in Illinois writes;
My parrot can sing the national anthem in 3 languages, but for the life of me,I can't get him
to learn anything by FGL..can you help?
Well, Fred, he's probably smarter than you know...No offense, but his refusal to sing that
Greed-Generated,Ego-Stroked,Thought-Deprived drivel makes him absolutely brilliant in my book.
This sounds like a case of the pet having better musical taste than the owner...If I had
a parrot that yodeled that garbage day in and day out, I'd trade him for a hamster!
Run a little Merle Haggard by him,or something by Waylon.....
Betcha he'll jump on that like a duck on a June bug!

I once complained about having no shoes,
until I met a man who had no...guitar
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