Thread: SWOT Analysis
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:26 AM
Alden Sherrodd Alden Sherrodd is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Greenacres, Wash.(East side of state)
Posts: 35
SWOT Analysis

Hello Les

In your article "The Business of Custom Knives" in the Jan. 2008 Blade Magazine you spoke of SWOT Analysis in a general way. Could you describe either here or in a future article exactly what this consists of and how to do research and assemble this analysis for use in a knifemaker's business? Could you show an example for those of us that are a little slow on the uptake? Also you talked about how makers take the wrong type of knives to the knife shows. How can a knifemaker determine what type of knives to take? Most makers have to babysit their booths during the shows, how can they determine what is selling so that they can make changes for future shows? Do you have any recommendations on book titles for more in depth information on the subject of business plans and such that may be useful to knife makers?

Thank You in advance.

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