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Old 06-23-2016, 01:40 PM
Any Cal. Any Cal. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 5
Wow. I am the maker of the Jiffy Belt Sander attachments. I Google them periodically to find reviews or complaints.

Jimmontg, thanks for putting the word out! I don't know if we have ever talked, but I do appreciate it. PM or Email me on here and I will see if there is some way to hook you up.

Just to clarify though, there IS a platen available; if you buy the Big Wheel kit it comes with, or you can purchase it seperately.

Also, if you have a 4x36 already, the Jiffy is the ticket! The interface is better than most all the 2x72 out there, with 2 contact wheels, a platen, a slack belt, and the edge of the belt all accessible without changing anything.

The Jiffy lets you shape and finish handles like a boss, as well as some blade work. If you change a pulley on your 4x36, you can do more metal work.

In my shop I have a 2hp variable speed 2x72 with a 4x36 Jiffy sitting right next to it, and they both get used. For some things I prefer the Jiffy, (things with smaller curves or more complex shapes). If my shop burned down and I had to start all over, the Jiffy would be one of the first things I replaced!
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